Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 7, 2012

If you were crying over me - Rita Chiarelli

If you were crying over me
(Rita Chiarelli ) 

If you were crying over me, I'd catch each tear before it fell, 
Save it for a wishing well to make your dreams come true 
To make your sky more blue, that's what I'd do 
If you were crying over me, I'd hold your head when you ache, fix your heart to never break 
I'd make your voice to sing 
I'd be that extra wing so you could fly. 
If you were crying over me 
Every day would be a Sunday afternoon and every month would be the month of June with a big full moon sitting on the edge of a midnight tune. 
If you were crying over, every breath would be an angel getting kissed 
And every road would end in a rainbow bliss, soft blue dress, blowing in the wind of our tenderness.

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